Virtual Informational Meeting for Referring Agencies 11/18/20, 3-4 p.m. CST Governor Tony Evers has proclaimed November 8-14, 2020 as Apprenticeship Week in Wisconsin, in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Labor’s 6th annual National Apprenticeship Week. Wisconsin has a long tradition of Registered Apprenticeship. “Registered apprenticeship offers numerous benefits to both employers and jobseekers. Apprenticeship is post-secondary education like a college or university. But there’s a big difference.” explains Joshua Johnson, DWD State Director of Wisconsin Apprenticeship. “Apprenticeship requires that employers commit to provide employment to those seeking training and apprentices learn only a portion of their skills in a traditional classroom. They receive most of their training on-the-job under the mentorship of another employee skilling in the discipline they are learning”. In honor of Apprenticeship Week, the Milwaukee Tech Hub Coalition is announcing a new partnership between member employers, the Wisconsin Bureau of Apprenticeship Standards, and Apprenti. Apprenti is the nation’s first technology apprenticeship program registered by the U.S. Department of Labor. They have been approved and registered with Wisconsin Apprenticeship to help build capacity for technology apprenticeships within the Milwaukee market.
“Building capacity for Registered Technology Apprenticeships is a critical strategy for increasing the diversity of our tech workforce and demonstrates a collective commitment to develop local tech talent.” said Laura Schmidt, chief talent development officer, Milwaukee Tech Hub Coalition. “We are especially grateful to member employers, many of whom have already signed the MMAC Region of Choice pledge, for being a part of building this program together. We are simply unable to advance key talent development strategies without employer support”.
Apprenti will identify individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds with the aptitude and potential to succeed at a career in technology and provide intense technical training for the apprentices before transitioning to local employers for on-the-job training. “Since launching 4 years ago, Apprenti has placed over 1,000 apprentices across our 16 markets. Of those, 62% are people of color, 48% are veterans, almost 25% are women, and 14% are people with disabilities. Our entire team is committed to providing opportunities that might not otherwise exist for those we serve and are excited to launch Apprenti of Greater Milwaukee in partnership with the Milwaukee Tech Hub Coalition” said Jennifer Carlson, Executive Director, Apprenti. Candidate referral agencies are invited to an informational webinar on November 18th from 3-4 p.m. CST and are encouraged to direct candidates to to register their interest in a Registered Software Development Apprenticeship in the greater Milwaukee region. The Milwaukee Tech Hub Coalition will partner with Wisconsin Apprenticeship and Apprenti of Greater MKE to form a regional employer committee to measure and assess outcomes and best practices for the Milwaukee market to enable the expansion of programming to additional employers with an interest in registered technology apprenticeships. “We are excited to include Apprenti to the growing list of program sponsors registered with Wisconsin Apprenticeship. Registered Apprenticeships work for everyone in Wisconsin!” said Johnson.