MKE Tech Startup Pitches at SXSW for the First Time, earning AI Finalist Spot
“I believe my dream of becoming an entrepreneur was meant to come alive but had never thought that it will come in such the most unfortunate way.” – Deepak Arora Deepak (dee-puck) Arora (au-ro-ra) is the President and CEO of Wearable Technologies, a hands-free fall...
Going beyond Generative AI for faster Growth, Global Competitiveness
Undoubtedly, AI is the topic of 2023. This makes me think back to 2017 when Advancing AI Wisconsin, a grassroots effort, worked to raise awareness among industry and government leaders on AI’s transformative impact. Fast forward to today, and my 80-year-old mother is...
Adapting our regional workforce for Artificial Intelligence
In 2017, I started my master’s degree in workforce development, focused on AI and the skills of our workforce. In my prior company, AI was deployed to handle IT alerts. As this occurred, fewer IT operators were needed. Instead, my organization was trying to hire a...
Through the Lens of Partnership: The Value of Apprenticeship in our Region
By Sarah Sewell, MPA, SHRM-CP, Director, Workforce Planning & Upskill/Reskill Programs The question I get asked most from employers is, "Where can I find talent?" The question seems valid when you take stock of the 14,500 open tech positions currently unfilled in...
FOR-M and its Welcoming Environment for Startup Enthusiasts
FOR-M attendees were met with a welcoming environment on Monday, Feb. 6 at the Global Water Center. The gathering was an open invite for people to learn about FOR-M and network ahead of the spring cohort. With a 200 plus alumni network, FOR-M is an initiative of the...
A Pathway into Technology through Mentorship
When students are allowed to explore, it can lead to endless possibilities. Hour of Tech emphasizes the “T” in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). It provides an immersive experience for students to exercise their knowledge, learn, grow and be inspired....
MKE Selected for Expansion of National AI Education Leadership Network
Milwaukee, October 2022: The National AI Education Leadership Network, convened by The AI Education Project (dba aiEDU), has selected the Milwaukee region as a target for expansion. The Network aims to catalyze the democratization of AI Education by engaging students...
The Importance of Computer Science Education in M7 Region
The need to develop a strong tech talent pipeline to support the needs of both industry and society is not new and is not going away. Diversity drives innovation and contributes to both personal and regional economic prosperity. The region is not lacking organizations...
A startup’s journey in the Good Land: How the Region’s Tech Ecosystem embraces startups like Tip a ScRxipt
With a problem-solver mindset, walking by faith and leaning into the power of the Milwaukee Tech Ecosystem, Chad Johnson, founder and CEO of Tip a ScRxipt, has taken his startup from an idea to a live platform in under three years. Tip a ScRxipt is a payment and debit...
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