
Adapting our regional workforce for Artificial Intelligence

In 2017, I started my master’s degree in workforce development, focused on AI and the skills of our workforce. In my prior company, AI was deployed to handle IT alerts. As this occurred, fewer IT operators were needed. Instead, my organization was trying to hire a...

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FOR-M and its Welcoming Environment for Startup Enthusiasts

FOR-M and its Welcoming Environment for Startup Enthusiasts

FOR-M attendees were met with a welcoming environment on Monday, Feb. 6 at the Global Water Center. The gathering was an open invite for people to learn about FOR-M and network ahead of the spring cohort.  With a 200 plus alumni network, FOR-M is an initiative of the...

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A Pathway into Technology through Mentorship

A Pathway into Technology through Mentorship

When students are allowed to explore, it can lead to endless possibilities. Hour of Tech emphasizes the “T” in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). It provides an immersive experience for students to exercise their knowledge, learn, grow and be inspired....

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The Importance of Computer Science Education in M7 Region

The Importance of Computer Science Education in M7 Region

The need to develop a strong tech talent pipeline to support the needs of both industry and society is not new and is not going away. Diversity drives innovation and contributes to both personal and regional economic prosperity. The region is not lacking organizations...

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